Turning drum line
name:Turning drum line
Reciprocating hoist:
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Balance wheel sorting line
name:Balance wheel sorting line
Reciprocating hoist:Balance wheel sorting machine is a kind of automatic sorting equipment which is widely used to improve the sorting efficiency of logistics. Without manual operation, the goods on the main line can be quickly and accurately sorted to the corresponding feed
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Circular cross belt sorter
name:Circular cross belt sorter
Reciprocating hoist:
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Cross band sorting line
name:Cross band sorting line
Reciprocating hoist:Commonly used cross belt sorter has vertical cross belt sorter, annular cross belt sorter, a car double belt cross sorter, with modular structure design, equipment stability, installation and maintenance convenient characteristics.
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Delivery sorting line
name:Delivery sorting line
Reciprocating hoist:
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Reciprocating hoist
name:Reciprocating hoist
Reciprocating hoist:往复式提升机是升降设备中的一种上下往复输送的设备。往复式提升机是由链条带动,通过变频调速控制电机,使轿厢上下往复运动。轿厢内配有传动机构,以便使负载自动进入提升机的轿厢上。 往复式提升机具有如下特点: 1、 提升轿厢的上下行程均可输送物料,在提升轿厢的一个循环过程中可使物料同时双方向流动; 2、 提升行程范围大,但在同等时间内输送量随着行程的增加而减少; 3、 往复式提升机形式多样(固定式或移动式),布局灵活,物料可以从各个方向进出提升机,便于生产设备布局; 4、 具有控制先进、性能可靠、提升轿
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Reciprocating hoist:连续式提升机是一种稳定性好,适用范围广的货物提升设备,主要用于箱式元件的提升输送。与出入口输送设备配套使用,使输送过程实现完全自动化。 结构紧凑,占地面积小,易于维护,运行成本低。
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Reciprocating hoist:螺旋式提升机是应用非常广泛的一种连续输送设备。适用于低处和高处之间货物运输,供应物料进入机器后自动连续运转向上/向下运送,可通过信号识别来控制机器的自动停启。 适用于食品、饮料、医药、化工、物流、电子等行业。根据传送物料的性质不同,可以选用金属、不锈钢、ABS塑料等不同材质制造。根据传送量可调节传送速度,并随需选择提升高度。
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Shuttle car
name:Shuttle car
Reciprocating hoist:RGV is the abbreviation of Rail Guided Vehicle (Rail Guided Vehicle), also called the shuttle car. RGV can reciprocate and shuttle on the preset right-angle track, so it can realize multi-station material handling at different positions. It is the carrier
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Self-guided vehicle
name:Self-guided vehicle
Reciprocating hoist:AGV can be widely used in industry, military, transportation, metallurgy, tobacco assembly and other industries, instead of manual unloading and handling; Large load tonnage, high walking accuracy; It can be used with different on-board tooling to realize